Who are Arcturians?

Arcturians I connect with are 5th dimensional beings from the Arcturus Star system. 

My understanding is that Arcturians are a gigantic energy body that exist not as individuals but as a collective consciousness.

Arcturus is the 4th brightest star in the sky and can be seen above the northern hemisphere. It is positioned 37 light years from Earth in the constellation  Boötes on or near the celestial north pole of the Milky Way. It is classed as a Red Giant and appears as a bright golden orange sparkling star. Arcturus is almost 2 billion years older and 25 times larger than our Sun.

Edgar Casey, the most documented prophet of the 20th century (commonly known as the sleeping prophet as he channeled in a trance-like state) believed to Arcturians have the highest civilisation in our galaxy.

My understanding is that Arcturians are a gigantic energy body that exist not as individuals but as a collective consciousness.