Suitable for

People who have difficulty in getting a good night's sleep

People who somehow feel uncomfortable in their body or consciousness

People who need to make a decision but can't

People who want to find some kind of direction.

People who feel uncomfortable living in this world.

People who are concerned about extraterrestrial life

People who want to live with spirituality in a physicality society


People who feel that there is more to life than what eye can see

People who want to connect more with wisdom and compassion.

People who have been through a lot but want to overcome it with love.


People who are not able to get rid of their body


Please decide by your intuition. Don’t think too much.

If you decite to have session, please forget about everything you read.

I am hoping you have no expectation that help a lot with connection.


My Arcturian Team and I are look forward to connecting with you.